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Napo Version History

The following table lists all past Napo releases and gives a preliminary preview to upcoming versions. For each version there is a list of known bugs and a reference to the version where a bug was fixed. Bugs that are not fixed even in the latest Napo version are emphasized by red colour.

Napo Version Description Apps built with this Napo Version


  • Single view.
  • Uses iOS GUI elements (segmented controls) for all buttons.
  • Listens to all MIDI channels.
  • Listens to wireless MIDI also.
  • Three (hard-coded) demo pieces.
  • 44100 Hz sample files are included in the application bundle. 22050 Hz files are created by downsampling and saved in the documents folder.
  • Four reverb types (None, Short, Long, Real).
  • The achievable polyphony depends on the iOS device. Up to about 100 voices with 44100 Hz or 200 voices with 22050 Hz on an iPad 2.
  • Tailored to StrandOrgan, but with generalization in mind.

Known issues:

  • The Real reverb is cut at repeated notes (because pipes = voices). Fixed in version 2.0.
  • The artificial reverbs (Short/Long) are disappointing. Improved in version 3.3.
  • Faulty handling of sysex messages that are split to several packets, leading to annoying "Illegal status" errors. Fixed in version 3.3.
  • No lowpass filter is applied when the 22050 Hz samples are created. This won't be fixed because using the low-quality settings does not make sense with current devices anyway. Furthermore, artefacts that can be heard in the low sample rate settings are rather because of bad loops than because of the missing filter.
StrandOrgan 1.0
released 2011-12-16

New features:

  • Redesigned sound engine, e.g. pipes ≠ voices.
  • Shorter startup time (data is loaded by a background process).
  • Multiple views: Console, Recorder, Demo, Gallery, Settings, About.
  • Authentic and Abstract console style.
  • Audio recorder for WAV files which can be accessed by iTunes file sharing.
  • Three additional demo pieces.
  • Image gallery.
  • On-the-fly Pitch shifting.
  • MIDI channel selection.
  • Wireless MIDI can be deactivated.
  • Better detection when MIDI adapters are connected or disconnected.
  • Downsampled files are saved to a cache folder and thus can be deleted by iOS in case of SSD space shortage.
  • Downsampling is done by a background process.
  • German localization.
  • Still tailored to StrandOrgan, but with structural changes to prepare for other organs.

Resolved issues:

  • No more cutting of Real reverb

Known new issues:

  • Pitch shifting does not work well with sample rate 22050 Hz. Improved in version 3.3.
  • When the sound is overdriven during a recording, then a click can be heard in the recording. Workaround: Make sure that the volume is not too high before you start the recording. If the damage has happened already, use Audacity's repair function to remove the click. Fixed in version 3.3.
  • The recorder does not capture iOS reverb. Fixed in version 3.4
  • When a recording is being finished, sometimes the Recorder view displays "0.0s" as the recording's duration. This is because the system was not done with writing the WAV file when the view controller asked for the data. The correct value is displayed when you leave and re-enter the Recorder view. Fixed in version 3.0
  • It is assumed that the documents directory is not changed while the Recorder view is open. So please do not manipulate the directory via iTunes filesharing while using the recorder, otherwise strange things may happen. Fixed in version 3.4.
  • Changing the sample rate while a recording is selected in the Recorder view can result in an error message "The operation could not be completed". Fixed in version 3.3.
StrandOrgan 2.0
released 2012-04-07

New features:

  • Redesigned sound engine, e.g. ranks grouped by windchests to support tremulants and (future) windpressure simulation.
  • Shorter startup time (MIDI initialisation is done by a background process).
  • Couplers.
  • Tremulants.
  • Voices display and overload display can be deactivated.
  • Converting recordings from WAV to M4A.
  • E-mailing recordings (up to 10MB file size).
  • Submitting recordings to other apps which have registered to handle WAV/M4A files.
  • Background operation (with 15 minutes timeout).
  • Virtual MIDI.
  • More internal generalization.

Resolved issues:

  • The Recorder view now shows the correct time after finishing a recording.

Known new issues:

  • The tremulant simulation is anything but euphonic.
  • Moving the volume slider while playing can lead to overload and crackling noise. Fixed in version 3.2.
  • Stops Off releases tremulant knobs, but it does not turn off tremulants. Fixed in version 3.2.
  • Couplers are not transitive, i.e. they don't 'couple through'. This is for some organs not the correct behaviour.
  • Using the Stops Off button can lead to internal data corruption, a breakdown of the tone generation and the need to restart the app. Fixed in versions 3.0.1, 3.1.1 and 3.2.
  • There is a nasty bug in the Recorder view: Create two recordings, select a recording, tap the cross to deselect the recording, select the other recording, and the app will crash. Fixed in version 3.3. It is shocking that this issue stayed unnoticed for several months.
  • The mail compose view does not rotate when an iPhone / iPod touch is used in upside-down mode. Fixed in version 4.0.
OttOrgan 1.0
released 2012-07-12

MenzelOrgan 1.0
released 2012-07-26

Resolved issues:

  • The data corruption bug of the Stops Off function is fixed.
OttOrgan 1.1
MenzelOrgan 1.1
released 2012-09-10

New features:

  • New looping algorithm for the downsampled files. (✶)

(✶) After downsampling, which is done simply by taking every second sample frame, the loops must be corrected to remove clicks. The old algorithm selects as new loop end that position between the old end and the release start which minimizes the Euclidean distance of the value (elongation, slope) between the positions loopstart-1 and loopend. This worked quite well for the previous sample sets, and it resulted in longer loops, which is always a good thing, but it failed for many files of the Piteå sample set beta 1, partly because of the harmonic richness e.g. of the sound of the Mixtur rank, partly because there are glitches between loop end and release start in some WAV files (e.g. at position 2.55 s in HVMixtur/051-E.wav). The new algorithm keeps the loop positions and performs a linear crossfade between the end and the start of the loop.
PiteaMini 1.0
released 2012-08-06

Resolved issues:

  • The data corruption bug of the Stops Off function is fixed.
PiteaMini 1.1
released 2012-09-10

New features:

  • The number of playing voices is displayed in the rightmost segment of the view selection and hence is visible in all views.
  • The overload warnings are displayed semi-transparently above the view selection and hence are visible in all views.
  • New load display (a colored horizontal bar) above the view selection.
  • Reduced memory consumption of the Gallery view, to allow more and larger images.
  • Convolution reverb (only a rough approximation).

Resolved issues:

  • The data corruption bug of the Stops Off function is fixed.
  • No more overload and crackling when moving the volume slider while playing.
  • Stops Off releases tremulant knobs and turns off tremulants.

Known new issues.

  • Sometimes the Console view is not updated anymore. Supposed cause: Bad thread management and timing problems. Probably also existent, but not showing up, in earlier versions. Workaround: Switch to Abstract view, then return to Authentic view. Fixed in version 3.3.
Jeux d'orgues 1.0 (iPad)
released 2012-10-16

New features:

  • On-the-fly transposing by up to ±6 semitones.
  • A slider for controlling the pitch shifting. Because of the new transposing function, pitch shifting is now only up to ±100 cent.
  • Volume control via MIDI (controller Bn xx vv), globally and per windchest.
  • All notes off via MIDI (controller Bn 7B).
  • There are now three instead of just two iOS reverb presets. Furthermore, the user can manipulate all internal parameters of the reverb Audio Unit and save a user preset.
  • High-quality convolution reverb (with a set of impulse responses of Fokke van Saane). Needs iPhone 5 or iPad 4 to handle impulse responses longer than 1.5 seconds at 44100 Hz. iPad 4 can handle about 4 seconds.
  • User can set buffer duration (23/12/6 milliseconds).
  • Adaption for iOS 6: Support for upside-down operation on iPhone.
  • Support for improved capabilities of A6 and A6X processors to get higher performance on iPhone 5 and iPad 4.

Resolved issues:

  • The presets for the iOS reverb are greatly improved.
  • Pitch shifting is now done with cubic instead of linear interpolation, which gives a better sound quality in particular at 22050 Hz.
  • Improved thread management.
  • Changing the sample rate (as well as the buffer size and reverb type) is prohibited while the Recorder view is in play mode.
  • Recorder view crash bug is fixed.
  • MIDI sysex message bug is fixed.

Known new issues.

  • When the Show Voices and Background Operation options are set and you switch to another app while voices are playing, then when you return to the Napo app it still displays the same number of playing voices even if all voices have stopped to play. The voices display is updated only when you continue to play. Fixed in version 3.4.
  • With iOS 6, when you hold the device upside-down, then the WAV-M4A conversion progress bar window is displayed in the wrong orientation. The same is true for the detail window that you get when you tap the accessory button right to an entry in the demo pieces list (in StrandOrgan and Jeux d'orgues Mini). Fixed in version 3.4.
  • The new buffer size setting is only half-baked. It configures the time interval used by iOS to request audio data from the app, but the pitch-shifter uses another buffer for getting data from the organ engine. This buffer has the fixed size of 512 samples (12 ms at 44100 Hz, 23 ms at 22050 Hz). Fixed in version 5.3.
  • At cold-start of a Napo app, the app does sometimes get stuck in the initialization phase and, after a few seconds, will be terminated by iOS. This is caused by a racing condition in the startup process of Napo's audio system which can lead to a deadlock. The problem maybe existed in earlier versions, too. Fixed in version 3.5.
Jeux d'orgues 2.0 (iPad)
released 2012-11-30

OttOrgan 2.0
released 2012-12-02

MenzelOrgan 2.0
PiteaMini 2.0
released 2012-12-02

Jeux d'orgues Mini 1.0
released 2012-12-06

StrandOrgan 3.0
released 2012-12-08

New features:

  • Audio level display.
  • User-defined stop combinations.
  • Redesigned Audio Recorder view.
  • Redesigned Settings view.
  • Settings can be saved.
  • Recordings can be done with and without iOS reverb.
  • Stops, couplers, tremulants and other functions can be controlled via MIDI note-on/off messages.
  • Fast organ switching.
  • Support for octave couplers.

Resolved issues:

  • The correct number of voices is displayed when an app returns from the background.
  • Upside-down operation does now work for the WAV-M4A progress display and the demo detail view.
  • The documents directory is watched for changes.

Known new issues:

  • Toggling tremulants via MIDI does not work. Fixed in version 3.6.
  • Because of changes in iOS, using the combination system leads to an application crash in iOS 7. Fixed in version 3.6
Jeux d'orgues Mini 2.0
released 2013-05-18
OttOrgan 3.0
released 2013-06-04
StrandOrgan 4.0
released 2013-05-17

MenzelOrgan 3.0
released 2013-06-08

New features:

  • Display of hardware sample rate and actual I/O buffer duration in the Settings view.
  • Audiobus support (Audiobus library version

Resolved issues:

  • No more hiccups at cold start of a Napo app.

Known new issues:

  • Changing the sample rate while the sound is routed to Audiobus leads to distorted sound. Workaround: Select the sample rate before you connect the app to Audiobus. Fixed in version 3.7.
PiteaMini 3.0
released 2013-08-01

Jeux d'orgues 3.0 (iPad)
released 2013-08-07

New features:

  • Additional post-amplification for iOS reverb (with overdrive protection).
  • Settings view asks for confirmation when user requests to delete all recordings.
  • GLYPHICONS for the tab bar.
  • Configurable artificial latency (for practising purposes), displayed in time (milliseconds) and distance (meters).
  • Audiobus library version 1.0.2 (ready for iOS 7).
  • Support for sample sets with sample rates other than 44100 Hz (for using the Kalvträsk Church sample set beta 2, which has 48000 Hz, in StrandOrgan 5.0).

Resolved issues:

  • Toggling tremulants via MIDI does now work.
  • Combination system adapted to iOS 7.

Known new issues:

  • Crash when the convolution reverb is used while another is running that fixes the sample rate to a value that is not a multiple or factor of the sample rate of the Napo app. Mostly Napo apps that are based on a sample rate different from 44100 Hz are affected (currently only StrandOrgan 5.0). Preliminary fix in version 3.7..
StrandOrgan 5.0
OttOrgan 4.0
PiteaMini 4.0
released 2013-09-17

Jeux d'orgues Mini 3.0
Jeux d'orgues 4.0 (iPad)
MenzelOrgan 4.0
released 2013-09-20

Burea 1.0 (iPad)
released 2013-09-20

Pitea 1.0 (iPad)
released 2013-09-20

Resolved issues:

  • Changing the sample rate while connected to Audiobus does now work.
  • Convolution reverb is deactivated in case of sample rate conflicts that lead to buffer sizes which are not a power of 2. This is a preliminary bugfix to prevent crashes.
StrandOrgan 5.1
released 2013-10-10

New features:

  • Monophonic bass (for playing pedal stops via the lowest pressed manual key).

Known new issues:

  • If the monophonic bass is enabled, you can get stuck notes if you change stops while the organ is playing. Fixed in version 4.0.
PiteaMini 5.0
released 2013-11-27

New features:

  • iOS 7 / 64 bit support, but maintaining compatibility to iOS 5 and iOS 6.
  • Reduced RAM requirements and (even) quicker startup (by halving the streaming buffer sizes)
  • Simplified editing of combination banks and combinations.
  • Improved convolution reverb.
  • User can upload impulse responses for the convolution reverb.
  • Support for blower noise, keys noise and knobs noise (for sample sets that include this).
  • User can restrict the note range of MIDI channels. This allows to set a split point even with a MIDI keyboard which does not have split functionality. This can be used e.g. to play pedal pipes in the lowest manual octave.
  • Support for screen keyboards.

Resolved issues:

  • Mail compose window rotates when used in upside-down mode on iPhone / iPod touch.
  • The sample rate of impulse response files is independent from the app's sample rate.
  • No more stuck notes with monophonic bass.

Known new issues:

  • When background operation is activated in the app settings, the app ought to get suspended if it is sent to the background and no notes are played for 15 minutes. This does not work if knobs noise is activated in the settings and stops are active, or if the wind noise is active. Fixed in version 4.1.
  • The latency setting ought to act only on the pipe sound, but it also affects the keys and knobs noise.
  • Internally, virtual keyboards are treated like MIDI keyboards which send on the channels that are configured in the MIDI settings. This means you need to set different MIDI channels to get independent virtual keyboards. Fixed in version 4.5.
PiteaMini 6.0
released 2014-05-23

StrandOrgan 6.0
released 2014-05-29

New features:

  • Audiobus 2 support (Audiobus library version 2.1.3, ready for iOS 8). Dropped Audiobus support for iOS 5/6.
  • Volume control for motor noise, keys noise, knobs noise
  • MIDI velocity can be used to control volume of keys noise.
  • Factory impulse responses can be deleted and reinstalled at any time.
  • To prevent accidental view switching, view switching is disabled while keys are pressed in a virtual keyboard.
  • Hold function for virtual keyboards.
  • Options for overdrive control: Volume reduction (like before), clipping, sigmoid transform.
  • Stop settings are saved when the app is terminated, and re-establised at the next start.
  • Simplified design of virtual keyboards on iPad 1 (to reduce CPU stress).

Resolved issues:

  • Motor noise, keys noise and knobs noise are no more counted as "voices". Motor noise and knobs noise do not prevent the app from being suspended when it is running in the background and not used for 15 minutes.

New known issues:

  • Windchest-dependent volume control does not work. Only PiteaMini 7.0 is affected. Fixed in version 4.2.
  • Locked keys in a virtual keyboard are released when the keyboard is being scrolled, the device rotates or the console mode is changed. Fixed in version 4.3
  • There is no visual response of the keys of a virtual keyboard A when A is coupled to keyboard B and you press a virtual key of B. This is not really a bug because not at all real organs the keys of a coupled keyboard are moved by the coupling, but a visual response is nice to have. Fixed in version 4.5
  • On iOS 8, installed factory impulse responses disappear when an app is updated. This is because iOS 8 breaks symbolic links. Workaround: Reinstall the factory impulse responses. Fixed in version 4.5.
StrandOrgan 7.0
PiteaMini 7.0
released 2014-09-15

OttOrgan 5.0
released 2014-09-16

Resolved issues:

  • Windchest-dependent volume control works.
MenzelOrgan 5.0
released 2014-09-19

Resolved issues:

  • Locked virtual keys stay locked until released by user.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 4.0
released 2014-09-27

New features:

  • Direct combination buttons A,B,C,D,E as alternative to bank / combination selection.

New known issues:

  • When saved settings are loaded in the Saved Settings view and the app returns to the Settings view, the Settings view still show the old values. This bug may have been there in earlier versions also. Workaround: Switch the tabs in the Settings view to update the display. Fixed in version 4.5.
Jeux d'orgues 5.0
released 2014-10-03
BureaMini 1.0
released 2014-10-11
Burea 2.0
released 2014-10-06
Pitea 2.0
released 2014-10-07
Jeux d'orgues Mini 4.1
released 2014-10-08

New features:

  • Audio: Improved overdrive protection for iOS reverb.
  • Audio Recorder: Can be started immediately or with first sound.
  • Audio Recorder: User can specify file name when finishing the recording.
  • Audiobus: Updated to v2.1.6.1
  • Demo player: Can now operate several manuals and pedal.
  • GUI: Switch to fullscreen keyboard mode by long-pressing the console tab bar icon.
  • GUI: Menu entries for saving / loading ABCDE combinations to / from combination banks.
  • GUI: Background operation is displayed by green color of organ switching tab bar icon and can be toggled by long-pressing this icon.
  • GUI: Updated Glyphicons to v1.9.
  • iCloud: Support for saving combination banks, recordings and saved settings to iCloud (iOS 7+).
  • MIDI: Multiple channels for each keyboard / pedal with configurable note ranges (e.g. for splitting or combining MIDI keyboards).
  • MIDI: Stops etc. can be controlled by program change messages.
  • MIDI: Support for MIDI over Bluetooth (iOS 8+ on devices that support Bluetooth LE).
  • Monophonic Bass: Changed behaviour. Releasing the lowest key doesn't anymore trigger the bass for the second lowest key.
  • Monophonic Bass: Is now independent from MIDI settings.
  • Settings: Saved settings can be displayed and loaded directly by long-pressing the settings tab bar icon.

Resolved issues:

  • Settings view controller shows correct values after loading saved settings.
  • For factory IRs, no symbolic links are used anymore.
  • Virtual keyboards operate independently of MIDI settings.
  • Virtual keyboards visualise keys that are activated by coupling. (A small flaw remains: When a virtual key that was activated by a coupler is being tapped directly, it ought not be released, but it is.)

New known issues:

  • The list of saved settings that you get after long-pressing the settings icon is populated only if the Saved Settings view was previously opened. Fixed in version 4.6.
  • Under certain cirumstances, the app may crash when saved settings are loaded (for example, when the reverb settings differ and the reverb section of the Settings view is selected). Fixed in version 4.6.
  • The changed overdrive handling for iOS reverb does not work as expected. Workaround: Reduce the app's volume if you hear distortions. Fixed in version 4.6.
  • On iPhone and iPod touch, the ABCDE combination buttons are arranged like "ACBDE" instead of "ABCDE". Fixed in version 4.7.
BureaMini 2.0
PiteaMini 8.0
released 2015-06-30

MenzelOrgan 6.0
OttOrgan 6.0
StrandOrgan 8.0
released 2015-07-10

Resolved issues:

  • Bugfixes in the handling of saved settings.
  • Bugfix in iOS reverb overdrive protection.

New known issues:

  • Renaming combinations does not work. Workaround: Duplicate the combination, giving it the new name, then delete the old combination. Fixed in version 4.8.
BureaMini 2.1
PiteaMini 8.1
released 2015-07-18

MenzelOrgan 6.1
OttOrgan 6.1
StrandOrgan 8.1
released 2015-07-19

Resolved issues:

  • Correct arrangement of ABCDE combination buttons on iPhone and iPod touch.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.0
Jeux d'orgues 6.0
released 2015-07-20

Burea 3.0
released 2015-07-23

Pitea 3.0
released 2015-07-24

Resolved issues:

  • Combinations can be renamed without going the duplicate/delete detour.
  • Volume changes via MIDI create less noise.
  • Audiobus updated to v2.2.1 to resolve an Audiobus issue with iOS 9.

New known issues:

  • Does not work on iOS 5 when built like previous versions. This was caused by a change in the Audiobus library. The following are bugfix updates specifically for this issue. Napo is unchanged. Only the build options of the apps are adapted:
BureaMini 2.3
PiteaMini 8.3
MenzelOrgan 6.3
OttOrgan 6.3
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.2
StrandOrgan 8.3
released 2015-09-12

Jeux d'orgues 6.2
released 2015-09-13

BureaFree 1.0
PiteaFree 1.0
MarcMoerdFree 1.0
released 2015-10-31
Burea 3.1
Pitea 3.1
released 2015-08-27

MarcMoerd 1.0
released 2015-08-27
BureaMini 2.2
PiteaMini 8.2
MenzelOrgan 6.2
OttOrgan 6.2
released 2015-08-28

Jeux d'orgues 6.1
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.1
StrandOrgan 8.2
released 2015-08-30

New features:

  • Audiobus updated to v2.2.2.
  • Internal reorganisation of the project structure. (Previous: One project per app. Now: One umbrella project, one target per app.)

New known issues:

  • When the currents settings specify a MIDI switch for a stop (coupler, ...), and you load saved settings which do not specify a MIDI switch for this stop (coupler, ...), then the current mapping for this stop (coupler, ...) ought to be removed, but it is not. The user has to manually delete the mapping if he wishes so. Fixed in version 4.10.
BureaFree 1.1
PiteaFree 1.1
MarcMoerdFree 1.1
released 2015-11-12

MarcMoerd 1.1
released 2015-12-03

New or improved features:

  • Audiobus updated to v2.3.1.
  • MIDI velocity can be used to control the volume of the pipe sound. (For those who like it.)
  • The app icon now shows a countdown badge when the app is running in the background.
  • Performance optimisations for the screen keyboard.
  • New, less intrusive log mechanism for MIDI connection / disconnection messages and the like.

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed the behaviour when settings are loaded or reset. MIDI switch definitions are now correctly removed.
  • Fixed a bug that led to annoying error messages when a combination bank was deleted that was currently selected in the Console view.
StrandOrgan 8.4
released 2016-06-23

Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.3
Jeux d'orgues 6.3
MenzelOrgan 6.4
OttOrgan 6.4
released 2016-07-02

BureaMini 2.4
PiteaMini 8.4
released 2016-07-09

Burea 3.2
BureaFree 1.2
Pitea 3.2
PiteaFree 1.2
MarcMoerd 1.2
MarcMoerdFree 1.2
released 2016-07-19

New features:

  • The behaviour when starting and ending an audio recording can be configured (ask for file name or save automatically, with standard file name).
  • 24 bit support for the audio recorder.
  • Volumes of ranks can be configured ('intontation').
  • Suspend/resume for demo pieces.
  • When doing "Learn" for a MIDI button, the default mode is now "Toggle On", as this is the most common case.
  • Support for sustain pedals. (For those who like it.)
  • As this seems to be more common, we now use the range 1,...,16 instead of 0,...,15 when presenting MIDI channel numbers to the user.
  • Recording can be started and stopped via MIDI.
  • Support for Novation Launchpad MK2. The Launchpad could be used in previous versions also, but now Napo can control its button lights.
  • Support for the Files app of iOS 11.
  • Improvements in the memory management of the tone generator.
  • Audiobus updated to v2.3.3.

New known issues:

  • MIDI button definitions created with previous versions do not work. Fixed in version 4.12.
  • Unsatisfying performance on older devices. Fixed in version 4.13.
  • Unreliable Launchpad initialisation at startup and when returning from background. Fixed in version 4.13.
  • Sometimes an error message appears when a combination bank is moved from the device to iCloud or vice versa. This can be safely ignored. Fixed in version 4.13.
  • In the list of saved settings that is displayed after long-tapping the settings icon, the settings names are unnecessarily prefixed by "Setting.". Furthermore, the list is displayed only after the Saved Settings view was opened at least once. Fixed in version 4.13.
  • Combination banks table view: When a combination bank is long-tapped the first time, then the app does not show the action menu but opens the combination editor. Fixed in version 4.13.
  • The combination banks list that is shown after long-tapping the combinations icon is not sorted alphabetically (like in the Combinations view). This also affects the selection of combination banks via MIDI. Fixed in version 4.13.
  • 24 bit recordings have a very low volume (and are in fact not really 24 bit). Fixed in version 4.13.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.4
released 2017-07-17

Resolved issues:

  • MIDI button definitions created with previous versions work again.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.5
released 2017-07-21

Resolved issues:

  • All remaining issues listed for version 4.11.

New known issues:

  • The "Bank" button of the Console view does not work correctly on iOS versions prior to 10 without iCloud Drive. Workaround on iOS 8,9: Enable iCloud Drive. On iOS 5,6,7 there is no good workaround, and the button works only after a change in the combination system (e.g. an insertion of a bank or combination) has happened. Fixed in version 4.17.
  • In the Settings view, the Show Load entry does not display the Show Load state but the Show Level state. This bug went unnoticed for a long time. Fixed in version 4.17.
  • A change of the sample rate is not processed correctly. Workaround: After changing the sample rate, change the reverb setting (and undo this change afterwards). Fixed in version 4.17.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.6
released 2017-08-04

MenzelOrgan 6.5
released 2017-08-04

OttOrgan 6.5
released 2017-08-07

StrandOrgan 8.5
released 2017-08-07

New features:

  • The action menu of the Settings view has an entry for opening the Napo online user manual.
BureaMini 2.5
released 2017-08-12

PiteaMini 8.5
released 2017-08-12

Jeux d'orgues 6.4
released 2017-08-12
(+ iPhone/iPod touch)

New features:

  • Layered Console view, for making the large organs usable on iPhone and iPod touch.
  • Increased stop button sizes on later iPhone models.

New known issues:

  • The virtual keyboard mode of the Console view is faulty. On iPhone, the stop buttons do not work in this mode. Fixed in version 4.16.
Burea 3.3
released 2017-08-25

Pitea 3.3
released 2017-08-29

New features:

  • The labels A,B,C,D,E of the ABCDE combination mode can be replaced by PP,P,M,F,FF

Resolved issues:

  • The virtual keyboard mode of the Console view is repaired.
Note: The apps BureaFree, PiteaFree, MarcMoerdFree had to be renamed because of App Store rules. The new names are Burea3o, Pitea3o, MarcMoerd3o, where "3o" is for "3 octaves". The iCloud Drive container names are unchanged.
Burea 3.4
released 2017-09-05

Pitea 3.4
released 2017-09-05

MarcMoerd 1.3
released 2017-09-07

Burea3o 1.3
Pitea3o 1.3
MarcMoerd3o 1.3
released for 2017-09-15

New features:

  • Support for the Launchpad Mini.
  • Changed Launchpad handling. Must use channel 1 (because of Launchpad Mini). A keyboard at the same channel is allowed.
  • Status bar visibility can be configured.
  • Increased width and hittable area of black keys and reduced hittable area of white keys of the virtual keyboard, to make it easier to use.
  • Performance optimisations for the virtual keyboard.
  • Improved connection handling of MIDI source devices.
  • Bank and combination indexes in status messages are shown starting with 0 instead of 1.
  • Increased size of the "+" add bank button in the combinations editor.

Resolved issues:

  • The Bank button of the Console view works fine again in all iOS versions and without the need to have iCloud Drive enabled.
  • Sample rate changing is repaired.
  • The Show Load button in the Settings view shows the correct state.
  • The ordering of the labels of the PP,...,FF combination buttons in landscape mode is corrected. Button M is renamed to MF.

New known issues:

  • Settings view: When Launchpad Configuration – Load Defaults is done while the MIDI tab is visible, then the table view does not update itself. Workaround: Switch to another settings tab, then return to the MIDI tab. Fixed in version 4.18.
  • Changing the transposition while notes are sounding leaves stuck notes. Workaround: Tap "Notes Off". Fixed in version 4.20.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.7
StrandOrgan 8.6
released 2017-10-07

MenzelOrgan 6.6
OttOrgan 6.6
BureaMini 2.6
PiteaMini 8.6
released 2017-10-10

Burea 3.5
Pitea 3.5
MarcMoerd 1.4
released 2017-10-11

Burea3o 1.4
Pitea3o 1.4
MarcMoerd3o 1.4
Jeux d'orgues 6.5
released 2017-10-16

New features:

  • Launchpad button lamps of bank and combination buttons stay lighted instead of just flashing.
  • Support for button lamps in Hoffrichter and Pausch-e consoles and other button lamps that can be controlled by note on/off messages.
  • Support for percussive instruments (harpsichord, piano).
  • Adaptions for iPhone X.

Resolved issues:

  • Automatic screen update after Launchpad Configuration – Load Defaults.
  • Engine now uses a buffer length of 256 samples (previously 512). But as this did not give a perceptible improvement, we returned to 512 in version 5.20.

New known issues:

  • Notes can get stuck when a sustain pedal sends two "on" messages without an "off" message in between. Workaround: Tap "Notes Off". Fixed in version 4.19.
Zell ET / MT 1.0
released 2017-12-18/21

New features:

  • Support for Slide Over and Split View (on suitable devices).
  • Option to disable sustain pedals.
  • Adapted the layout of the stop buttons in the portrait mode of the virtual keyboard view to the layout in the landscape mode.

Resolved issues:

  • No more stuck notes with sustain pedals.
Zell ET / MT 1.1
released 2018-01-30

New features:

  • Option to disable warnings about unexpected note-on/off messages.

Resolved issues:

  • No more stuck notes at change of transposition.
  • Corrected the ordering of the buttons Prev Bank/Next Bank and Prev Comb/Next Comb in the Launchpad default setting.
  • Returned to an internal buffer length of 512 samples to maintain better performance on older devices.

New known issues:

  • When the screen keyboard is used in portrait view, then the stop buttons cannot be scrolled. Fixed in version 4.21.
StrandOrgan 8.7
released 2018-02-16

Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.8
MenzelOrgan 6.7
OttOrgan 6.7
BureaMini 2.7
PiteaMini 8.7
released 2018-02-20

Burea 3.6
Pitea 3.6
MarcMoerd 1.5
released 2018-02-24

Jeux d'orgues 6.6
Zell ET / MT 1.2
released 2018-02-28

OttOrgan 6.8
released 2018-04-23

New features:

  • Automatic notes off at the transition from suspended to foreground.
  • Support for split couplers.

Resolved issues:

  • Stop buttons can be scrolled when the screen keyboard is used in portrait mode.

New known issues:

  • The sustain function does not behave correctly for harpsichords. Sustained notes can be played again only after the sustain pedal was released. Earlier Napo versions are affected as well. Fixed in Napo 4.23.
Esmuc V1 1.0
released 2018-05-24
Zell ET 1.3
released 2018-06-13

New features:

  • Status bar always hidden on iPhone / iPod touch in landscape mode.
  • Bluetooth MIDI: Scanning for peripheral devices.
  • Configuration by a URL scheme to allow other apps using a Napo app for playing music via Virtual MIDI without the user needing to configure anything.

New known issues:

  • Under certain conditions, MIDI controller messages (for example for volume control) are interpreted as Sustain (CC64) messages, which can lead to stuck notes. Workaround: Press "Notes Off" if this happens. If you do not use a Sostenuto pedal, deactivate Sostenuto support in the view Settings – General. Earlier Napo versions are affected as well. Fixed in Napo 4.23.
  • Combinations view: When this view is first opened in Landscape mode, then after screen rotation from Landscape to Portrait the "+" button (the button for creating a new combination) to the left of the bank name vanishes. Workaround: Return to Landscape mode or do not start in Landscape mode and then switch to Portrait mode if you would like to use this button. Earlier Napo versions are affected as well. Fixed in Napo 4.23.
  • On iOS 11/12: After screen rotation from Landscape to Portrait in the Recordings view, the layout of the toolbar items and of the top bar items is broken. Workaround: If you use the app in Portrait mode, better stay in Portrait mode. Otherwise only a restart of the app helps. Earlier Napo versions are affected as well. Fixed in Napo 4.23.
  • On iPhone and iPod touch with iOS 6: The status bar overlaps the app views after rotating from Landscape to Portrait. Workaround: Disable status bar display (first option in Settings – General – Appearance). Earlier Napo versions are affected as well. This bug will stay, as it is not anymore possible to upload binaries with iOS 6 support to the App Store.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.9
released 2018-12-08

New features:

  • Virtual MIDI: Optional autoconnection to Virtual MIDI senders.

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed erroneous interpretation of controller messages.
  • Sustain behaves correctly for percussive instruments.
  • Fixed layout issues of Combinations view and Recordings view.

New known issues:

  • Copying files to a Napo app with the steps "Share" – "Open in [app name]" of the Files app does not work. Workaround: use the steps "Move" – "On My iPad" – "[app name]" and then select "Copy" in the right top. Earlier Napo versions are affected as well. Fixed in Napo 5.0.
  • The buttons "previous bank" and "next bank" in the Launchpad default layout are interchanged (presumably from day one). Furthermore, configuring Launchpad buttons by "Learn" does not work. Fixed in Napo 5.0.
Pitea 3.7
Zell ET / MT 1.4
released 2019-02-25

Jeux d'orgues Mini 5.10
MenzelOrgan 6.8
OttOrgan 6.9
StrandOrgan 8.8
released 2019-02-28

Jeux d'orgues 6.7
BureaMini 2.8
PiteaMini 8.8
Esmuc V1 1.1
released 2019-03-01

Burea 3.7
MarcMoerd 1.6
released 2019-03-03
End of support for iOS 5 (iPad 1, iPod touch 3) because of App Store requirements.

End of support for iOS 6 (iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4) because of App Store requirements.

End of support for iOS 7 (iPhone 4) because of Audiobus 3 requirements.

End of support for iOS 8 as there are no devices that need this.

Minimum supported iOS version is now iOS 9.3.5.

Resolved issues:

  • On iPad Pro (3rd generation), Napo's iPad/iPhone detection failed. As a consequence, the onscreen keyboard layout was wrong, and the stop knobs in the apps Burea, Pitea, MarcMoerd were displayed in the layered mode instead of the flat mode. To correct the problem at least in these apps, we created this intermediate version from the latest old Napo 4.23 code. Fixed in Napo 5.0.
Burea 3.8
Pitea 3.8
MarcMoerd 1.7
released 2020-01-12

New features:

  • Support for macOS 10.15 Catalina, making use of Mac Catalyst and the Universal Purchase mechanism to deal with iOS and macOS in a unified way.
  • Redesigned combination system.
  • Adaptable Console view layout (for better fitting the plethora of possible screen sizes).
  • Quadrant mode of Console view (pinch to zoom in and out).
  • Performance optimisations in the convolution reverb.
  • Quad convolution (aka "True Stereo").
  • Additional visual overdrive warning.
  • MIDI monitor.
  • Audiobus updated to v3.0.11.
  • iCloud drive container opened for access by the Files and Finder app and other apps.
  • Improved VoiceOver support.
  • Dark mode support.
  • Code and project cleanup.

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed problems with copying files to a Napo app by document interaction.
  • Corrected the ordering of the "previous bank" and "next bank" buttons in the Launchpad default layout and repaired the Launchpad learn function.

Dropped features:

  • Downsampling of WAV files. This was needed mainly for very old devices (iPad 1, iPhone 3GS and the like) which we cannot support anymore, anyway.
  • Switching to another organ app via the airplane icon. This can equally well be done by changing to the home screen and tapping another app's icon.
  • Idle time countdown in the app icon. This was more annoying than useful.
  • Attaching / detaching stops and previous bank / next bank functionality. We are not aware of anybody who used these functions.
  • 3o versions of Burea, Pitea, MarcMoerd, as they were possibly conflicting with App Store guidelines.

New known issues:

  • Missing several translations in the German localisation. Fixed in version 5.1.
  • The context menu of the rows in the Combination Banks has an entry "Open in..." that does not make sense. The same holds for the context menu in the saved settings view. Fixed in version 5.1.
  • iPhone: The button Done in the details view of a demo piece does not work. Fixed in version 5.1.
  • macOS: Sometimes the screen keyboards view is black at startup and is drawn only when the window is resized. Fixed in version 5.1.
  • macOS: The Settings view offers a switch for background operation, which does not make sense. Fixed in version 5.1.
  • Sometimes crackling when using negative pitch shifting. Fixed in version 5.1.
  • The time label in the Recordings view shows only up to two digits.
  • A minor long-time bug: In the error message that appears when the app receives unmatched note-on/off messages, channel numbers are given with base 0 instead of base 1. Fixed in version 5.1.
  • On iPad, the aspect ratio of the keys of the onscreen keyboards is such that less keys as in previous app versions fit in the visible area. Fixed in version 5.1.
StrandOrgan 9.0
released 2020-04-03


New features:

  • Aspect ratio of keys of onscreen keyboards can be changed by user after long-tapping the Console view icon in keyboards mode.
  • User can select which of the keyboards of the organ should be displayed as onscreen keyboards.
  • Volume controller calibration.
  • Further improved VoiceOver support.

Resolved issues:

  • Added missing German translations.
  • Removed unwanted context menu entries.
  • Repaired the Done button of the Demo details view on iPhone.
  • Fixed startup display problem of onscreen keyboards on macOS.
  • Removed background operation setting on macOS.
  • Fixed problems with negative pitch shifting.
  • Fixed truncation problem of time label in Recordings view.
  • Corrected channel numbering in MIDI error messages.

New known issues:

  • iOS 14: Truncated stop button labels: In several apps, the stops labels are not fully shown. Workaround: In the Console view, twice tap the icon of the Console view in the icon bar. Fixed in version 5.2.
  • iOS 14: Problems with system exclusive MIDI messages. Apparently, other than in earlier iOS versions, SysEx messages in iOS 14.0 and 14.1 (but no longer in iOS 14.2) can begin in the mid of a MIDI packet (violating the Core MIDI specification). Napo does not expect this and shows an "Illegal status" warning. Until now, this was observed only with a Yamaha Clavinova model and a MIDI over Bluetooth adapter, but other devices that send SysEx messages and other MIDI paths may be affected, too. Workaround: Disable the transmission of SysEx messages in the settings of your MIDI keyboard. Fixed in version 5.2.
  • macOS: The title of the main window has a trailing "-" that makes no sense. Fixed in version 5.3.
  • iPhone: The button layout of the MIDI channel configuration window does not adapt itself when the device rotates. Fixed in version 5.3.
  • The error message that appears when saved settings are loaded which refer to a deleted impulse response needs some work. Fixed in version 5.3.
  • Missing German translation of the text "Delete combination". Fixed in version 5.3.
  • iOS 13 + Jeux d'orgues Mini + CarolPlayMidi: When you cold-start Jdo Mini from within CarolPlayMidi, the automatic setup does not work, and the system does not return to CarolPlayMidi automatically. Workaround: Manually return to CarolPlayMidi, and do automatic setup once again. Fixed in version 5.2.
  • macOS: Apps that were released before 2020-05-05 do not support Bluetooth MIDI and Network MIDI. This is not a bug in Napo but in the app configuration. Fixed in the respective next version of each app.
  • macOS: Clicking the Demo off button sometimes leads to unresponsiveness of the app's GUI. The phenomenom occurs rarely, and its cause is unknown. Maybe it happens only in the development environment and not in released versions.
StrandOrgan 9.1
released 2020-04-17

OttOrgan 7.0
MenzelOrgan 7.0
released 2020-04-21

Esmuc V1 2.0
released 2020-04-23

Zell ET / MT 2.0
released 2020-04-25

MarcMoerd 2.0
released 2020-04-28

Jeux d'orgues 7.0
released 2020–04-30

Jeux d'orgues Mini 6.0
released 2020-05-01

Jeux d'orgues Mini 6.1
released 2020-05-03

BureaMini 3.0
PiteaMini 9.0
released 2020-05-05

Burea 4.0
Pitea 4.0
released 2020-05-12

This is an iOS 14 maintenance update.

Resolved issues:

  • Stop button labels now show fine.
  • MIDI SysEx messages that, unlawfully, start in the mid of a packet are ignored.
  • JDO Mini + CarolPlayMidi: Fixed automatic setup.
StrandOrgan 9.2
released 2020-10-11

MenzelOrgan 7.1
released 2020-10-12

OttOrgan 7.1
released 2020-10-12

Zell ET / MT 2.1
released 2020-10-12

BureaMini 3.1 (iOS)
PiteaMini 9.1 (iOS)
Esmuc V1 2.1
released 2020-10-15

Burea 4.1 (iOS)
Pitea 4.1 (iOS)
MarcMoerd 2.1
released 2020-10-18

Jeux d'orgues Mini 6.2
Jeux d'orgues 7.1
released 2020-10-22

New features:

  • Support for 24 bit WAV files (currently unused).
  • Support for recording in 32 bit float WAV format.
  • New recorder configuration editor (long-tap/click the Start Rec. button).
  • Selecting a combination bank does not anymore automatically select its first combination. The old behaviour was unfavourable when the user wanted to save the current stop settings to another bank.
  • Function Set combination: The name field is now pre-filled with the name of the previous combination of the respective combination button.
  • Auto-sustain for screen keyboard: When you tap/click a key only shortly, it will be sustained. When you tap/click for longer than 0.1 seconds, it will be released when the tap/click ends.
  • Screen keyboards can send MIDI messages.
  • Shared impulse responses. The IRs are shared by all updated Napo apps. Use StrandOrgan to install the factory IRs. On iOS, you can use our Thafknar app to manage the IRs. On macOS, use the Finder.
  • Support for Launchpad X.
  • Audiobus updated to v3.0.15.
  • macOS: Native support for Apple Silicon.

Resolved issues:

  • macOS: Fixed title of main window.
  • iPhone: Fixed layout problems of MIDI channel window.
  • Improved error message concerning missing IR.
  • Added missing German translations.
  • Internal buffer length of 256 samples in the engine, so the low latency buffer duration setting of 6 milliseconds finally makes sense.

New known issues:

  • Launchpads do not initialise correctly when an app returns from the background and another Napo app was used in the meantime or (on macOS) an app starts while the Launchpad is already connected. Workaround: Disconnect and reconnect the Launchpad. Fixed in version 5.4.
StrandOrgan 9.3
released 2021-08-12

New features:

  • Napo apps on macOS respond to Launchpad commands only while they are the main window or when background operation is enabled. This makes it possible to keep several Napo apps open at the same time and use them with a Launchpad. The Launchpad controls always that Napo app which owns the main window. On the other hand, if you would like to operate a single Napo app with a Launchpad while you use another app (e.g. a score reader), you can enable background operation for this app.

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed Launchpad initialisation problems.
  • Apps released after 2021-08-18 do not migrate impulse response WAV files to the new IR library when there already is a correspondingly named M4A file. Furthermore, whenever an app tries to load a WAV impulse response, but cannot find it, and there is a same-named M4A impulse response, then it will use the M4A file.

New known issues:

  • Automatic setup of Jeux d'orgues Mini via CarolPlayMidi gives an error message unless Jeux d'orgues Mini is already running. Workaround: Start Jeux d'orgues Mini manually before you tap the button Optional Setup in CarolPlayMidi, or simply ignore the message.
StrandOrgan 9.4
MenzelOrgan 7.2
OttOrgan 7.2
Zell ET / MT 2.2
released 2021-08-18

Jeux d'orgues 7.2
BureaMini 3.2
PiteaMini 9.2
Esmuc V1 2.2
released 2021-08-25

Burea 4.2
Pitea 4.2
MarcMoerd 2.2
released 2021-08-29

Jeux d'orgues Mini 6.3
released 2021-09-02

New features:

  • The sustain function of the screen keyboards can be turned off (individually for each keyboard).

New known issues:

  • Record button does not work on Launchpad X (recording starts when the button is pressed, but stops when the button is released). Fixed in version 5.6.
  • macOS: Entries in action menus need to be clicked twice to initiate the action. Fixed in version 5.6.
Jeux d'orgues 7.3 (iOS)
released 2021-09-04

New features:

  • Now supporting all currently known Launchpad models: Launchpad (2009), Launchpad S (2013), Launchpad Pro (2015), Launchpad Mini (2015), Launchpad MK2 (2015), Launchpad Mini MK2 (2015), Launchpad X (2019), Launchpad Pro MK3 (2020), Launchpad Mini MK3 (2020). Not all models are tested. User feedback is welcome.

Resolved issues:

  • Record button works on Launchpad X.
  • macOS: Entries in action menus work by single click.

New known issues:

  • Command buttons (Notes Off, ..., Start Rec.) do not work on the Launchpad Mini MK3 (and presumably neither on the Launchpad Pro MK3). Fixed in Version 5.7.
Jeux d'orgues 7.3 (macOS)
released 2021-10-14

Resolved issues:

  • Command buttons work on the Launchpad Mini MK3 (and hopefully on the Launchpad Pro MK3 as well).
Jeux d'orgues 7.4
released 2021-10-28

Resolved issues:

  • Automatic setup of Jeux d'orgues Mini by CarolPlayMidi runs through without error message.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 6.4
released 2021-11-18

New features:

  • Support for release sounds in separate files. This allows to increase the range of supported sample sets.
  • Support for importing sample files after the installation of an app. Possible import sources: Directories, RAR archives, ZIP archives. This allows to decrease the app size, releasing apps with a subset of a sample set and adding the full set later, and also is a move towards a container app than can host several sample sets. It also allows the easy delivery of patches for a sample set.
  • Stop buttons are shown only after at least one note of the respective rank has been loaded.
  • Sample files can now be stored at three loctions: In the app resources (included in the delivered app; replaced at app updates), in the app library (imported by the user; kept at app updates), in the app documents (user-supplied; kept at app updates).
  • Sample file statistics.
  • Dry/wet control for the convolution reverb.

New known issues:

  • Again returned to an internal buffer size of 512 frames as this allows a smoother transition from the loop to the release. Fixed in Version 5.11.
EuleOrgan 1.0
released 2021-11-28

New features:

  • Support for bell sounds (carillons).
  • By default (for new installations), the sustain function of the screen keyboards is now inactive. This is because many users were confused by the automatic sustain.

New known issues:

  • Sample file statistics: Files that are used multiple times are counted multiple times in the overview. They are shown multiple times in the list of all files as well as in the list of used files. Fixed in Version 5.11.
StrandOrgan 10.0
Anniversary Edition
released 2021-12-16

New features:

  • Support for sample sets with several hearing positions. Fast switching of the hearing position.
  • User can select whether release portions of samples should be played even when working with reverb. This makes sense for dry samples. Playing of releases, adding AU reverb and adding convolution reverb can be configured independently of each other.
  • Better transition from loop to release (reduced phase cancellations).
  • Metronome functionality.
  • Optional coloured borders around the buttons to indicate the assignment of buttons to manuals. This does currently not work well with some console layouts (e.g. Burea).

Resolved issues:

  • Improved sample file statistics.
  • The better loop - release transition allowed to (again) change to an internal buffer size of 256 frames.
  • Corrected tremulant speed which was too high for probably quite some time (but nobody cared because Napo's tremulant implementation is still so bad that, presumably, no one uses this function anyway). The tremulant now runs at a speed of 8 Hz at 48 kHz sample frequency and 7.35 Hz at 44.1 kHz sample frequency and with an amplitude change of ±0.15.
EuleOrgan 1.1
released 2022-01-15
(app info wrongly states that
this version would use Napo 5.10)

Resolved issues:

  • The Console view offered options "Rename bank", "Duplicate bank" and "Delete bank" even when no bank was selected. Selecting one of these actions could result in a crash.
StrandOrgan 10.1
released 2022-01-18
(app store description wrongly states
that this version would use Napo 5.11).

MenzelOrgan 7.3
OttOrgan 7.3
released 2022-01-22

MenzelOrgan 7.4
OttOrgan 7.4
released 2022-01-22

Resolved issues:

  • Fixes problems with iOS 15 prewarming.
  • In macOS apps released at 2022-01-27, the main window becomes unresponsive if the "About the App" window is opened more than once at the same time. Fixed in versions released at 2022-01-28.

New known issues:

  • Annoyingly, the automatic setup of Jeux d'orgues Mini by CarolPlayMidi is again faulty. Fixed once more in version 5.14.
StrandOrgan 10.2
MenzelOrgan 7.5
OttOrgan 7.5
released 2022-01-27

StrandOrgan 10.3 (macOS)
MenzelOrgan 7.6 (macOS)
OttOrgan 7.6 (macOS)
Jeux d'orgues 8.0
Jeux d'orgues Mini 7.0
released 2022-01-28

Burea 4.3
Pitea 4.3
released 2022-02-02

BureaMini 4.0
PiteaMini 10.0
MarcMoerd 2.3
released 2022-02-05

Zell ET / MT 2.3
Esmuc V1 2.3
EuleOrgan 1.2
released 2022-02-06
End of support for iOS 9 (iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad mini 1, iPhone 4s, iPod touch 5) because Xcode 14 does not build for iOS 9.

End of support for iOS 10 (iPad 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c) because Xcode 14 does not build for iOS 10.

End of support for iOS 11 as there are no devices that need this.

Minimum supported iOS version is now iOS 12.5.6.

New features:

  • Support for factory and custom temperaments. Custom temperaments are shared between Napo apps on the same device and can be exported for transfer to another device.
  • The list of demo pieces now responds not only to long presses / right mouse button clicks but also to simple taps / left mouse button clicks.
  • The MIDI channel configuration window has a "Close" button. Having to tap / click outside the window to close it was a bit annoying.
  • macOS: Tapping the Console view tab icon does not anymore open an "About the app" view. It opens the Keyboards view or brings it to the foreground.
  • macOS: Cleanup of the app's menu bar. In "File" – "Show" there are now entries to open or bring to the foreground the Stops view and the Keyboards view, and the "Help" menu has the entries "About the App", "View in App Store", "Visit Support Page", "Show Napo User Manual" which are also present in the actions menu of the Settings view.
  • Internal preparations for Napo 6.0.

Resolved issues:

  • Automatic setup of Jeux d'orgues Mini by CarolPlayMidi fixed again.

New known issues:

  • Broken custom temperament files (which should never occur) crash the app during startup. Workaround on macOS: Remove the faulty files from directory ~/Library/Group Containers/ Workaround on iOS: Delete all custom temperaments by moving combinations, recordings and saved settings to iCloud, deleting the app, possibly rebooting, reinstalling the app. Fixed in version 5.15.
  • After a new installation of the app it offers to reinstall in-app purchases even when there are no in-app purchases. Fixed in version 5.15.
  • The "Show file statistics" function sometimes shows twice the number of sample files that are actually there. Fixed in version 5.15.
  • The combination editor updates Launchpad button lights. On return to the Console view, the lights do not reflect the state of the Console view. Fixed in version 5.15.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 7.1
released 2022-11-16

New features:

  • Comprehensively reworked and improved temperaments functionality. The new Factory temperaments are derived from Lars Palo's temperaments collection.
  • MIDI controllers 64 and 66 can be used as sostenuto pedals or to switch combinations.
  • New Console view mode for showing large combination buttons instead of stops.
  • Log view does not anymore open itself to show MIDI configuration messages at app startup, as normally the user does not want to be bothered with this.
  • Errors of the audio system aren't anymore shown in alert messages, but added to the log. This is less intrusive, and some errors are temporary and fix themselves, anyway.
  • During (re)installation of sample files by "Importing Samples", unaltered files won't be overwritten anymore. This is to decrease SSD wear.
  • Option to use full-screen views instead of popup views on iPadOS and macOS, for improving the accessibility for visually handicapped users. This can also be of use if there are view problems when the app is run on older Mac models with help of the OpenCore Legacy Patcher (which is nonetheless not officially supported).

Resolved issues:

  • App does not anymore crash when there are invalid custom temperament files. Instead, such files are removed from the temperaments library and placed in the directory "BrokenTemperaments" inside the app's documents directory.
  • No senseless query for reinstallation of in-app purchases.
  • Fixed audio session activation problems after Siri usage while the app was active.
  • File statistics does not anymore occasionally show twice the number of sample files.
  • The combination editor does not anymore change Launchpad button lights.

New known issues:

  • The app might crash when the "About the App" view is being closed. Fixed in version 5.16.
  • Temperaments: After installing or updating the app to Napo 5.15, the default temperament is shown twice in the favorite temperaments list. Workaround: Delete one of the entries. Fixed in version 5.16.
  • Temperaments: The tuning of aliquot stops is not correct. For example, the note c of a 5 1/3' stop ought to be tuned not like the note c of a 8' stop but like the note g of a 8' stop. Fixed in version 5.16.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 7.2
released 2023-03-23

New features:

  • Temperaments: Retuning of pipes when applying temperaments can now be done either "note-wise", i.e. uniformly for all ranks and octaves (as done in version 5.15) or "pipe-wise" (using embedded pitch information of the WAV files).
  • Temperament Vicinity Explorer: Listing temperaments ordered by their similarity to a selected temperament.
  • Prettier formatting of sample file statistics view, which now also shows the pitch data of the used sample files.

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed crash caused by "About the App" view.
  • Temperaments: Fixed duplicate default temperament entry in favorite temperaments.
  • Temperaments: Fixed tuning of aliquot stops.

New known issues:

  • A warning message appears in the log when a temperament is duplicated or renamed. This can be ignored. Fixed in version 5.17.
  • When the user resets the app settings, the favorite temperaments list is cleared (it is stored in the settings), but the section "Favorite Temperaments" in the Temperament Selection view is not updated. Fixed in version 5.17.
  • macOS: Log view is missing the close button when it is shown full-screen. Fixed in version 5.17.
Jeux d'orgues Mini 7.3
released 2023-04-24

New features:

  • The Temperament Vicinity Explorer got functionality to manage favorite temperaments and to open the editor / viewer for a temperament.

Resolved issues:

  • No more log entries when a temperament is duplicated or renamed.
  • Update of the Temperament Selection view when the app settings are reset.
  • macOS: Log view has close button in full-screen mode.

New known issues:

  • Voices are not correctly assigned to windchests. This makes it impossible to set volumes as well as to use tremulants for windchests other than the main windchest. Fixed in version 5.17.1.
  • Setting the mode of MIDI controllers 64 and 66 does not work and crashes the app. Fixed in version 5.17.2.
StrandOrgan 11.0
OttOrgan 7.7
MenzelOrgan 7.7
released 2023-04-29

Jeux d'orgues Mini 7.4
Jeux d'orgues 8.1
EuleOrgan 1.3
released 2023-05-02

BureaMini 4.1
PiteaMini 10.1
Esmuc V1 2.4
released 2023-05-07

BureaMini 4.2
PiteaMini 10.2
released 2023-05-11

Burea 4.4
Pitea 4.4
MarcMoerd 2.4
released 2023-05-16

Zell ET / MT 2.4
released 2023-05-17

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed the assignment of voices to windchests.
Pitea 4.5
released 2023-05-25

Resolved issues:

  • Fixed mode setting of MIDI controllers 64 and 66.
StrandOrgan 11.1
OttOrgan 7.8
MenzelOrgan 7.8
released 2023-06-12

Jeux d'orgues Mini 7.5
Jeux d'orgues 8.2
EuleOrgan 1.4
released 2023-06-19

Burea 4.5
Pitea 4.6
MarcMoerd 2.5
released 2023-06-20

Zell ET / MT 2.5
Esmuc V1 2.5
released 2023-06-21

BureaMini 4.3
PiteaMini 10.3
released 2023-06-26

New features:

  • User-adaptable font size for various text windows.
  • Importing sample sets / patches from other places than the app's documents directory, including from iCloud Drive or USB drives.
  • Combination bank table view shows date of last edit of each bank.
  • Temperament editor allows numerical input of cent values.
  • Console view: Visual discrimination of combination buttons from other buttons. Highlighting of last selected combination.
  • Previous combination / next combination can optionally cycle within the current bank or switch to previous / next bank.
  • Console view: New stepper window with large buttons for previous / next combination.
  • Settings view: Buffer duration is set by number of frames instead of milliseconds (which depend on the sample rate). The actual buffer duration is still shown in milliseconds.
  • Smaller internal buffers for convolution reverb, to further reduce latency.
  • Low latency settings for harpsichord instruments, 128 frames (2.9ms at 44.1kHz) and 64 frames (1.5ms at 44.1kHz).
  • A noise generator for preventing certain amplifiers from entering a sleep mode when there is no audio signal.
  • Numerical display of general volume.

Resolved issues:

  • Repaired the Quad convolution mode, which was broken for quite some time without anybody noticing it.

New known issues:

  • macOS: The macOS menu bar entry "Help – About the app" shows an incomplete text. Workaround: Use the corresponding button of the Settings view's action menu. Fixed in version 5.19.
StrandOrgan 11.2
released 2023-11-13

Zell ET / MT 3.0
released 2023-11-15


  • Changed default settings: Show Level = YES, Show Load = YES, Add AU Reverb = NO, Add Convolution Reverb = NO
  • Internal adaptions for Clavitudo.

Resolved issues:

  • Removed debug output of UnrarKit that was created on some systems.
  • The macOS menu entry "Help - About the app" works as supposed.
Clavitudo 0.5
released 2023-12-05

New features:

  • Clavitudo: Graphical representation of instruments in the administration view.
  • Clavitudo: Recordings are not anymore stored in the app's documents directory but in the subdirectory Recordings/ of the documents directory. At app start, all audio files of the documents directory are automatically moved to this subdirectory. The same holds for the iCloud Drive files.
  • Clavitudo: Combination banks are not anymore stored in the app's documents directory but in the subdirectory Combinations/ of the instrument directory. At app start, all combination bank files of the documents directory are automatically moved to this subdirectory of the currently only instrument, the Aragonese Procession organ. The same holds for the iCloud Drive files.
  • Clavitudo: Saved settings are not anymore stored in the app's documents directory but in the subdirectory Settings/ of the instrument directory. At app start, all settings files of the documents directory are automatically moved to this subdirectory of the currently only instrument, the Aragonese Procession organ. The same holds for the iCloud Drive files.
  • We refrain from applying the aforementioned changes to the existing single-instrument apps because this would mean trouble for the iCloud interoperability of Napo apps on devices with iOS versions < 12 that cannot be updated.
  • Clavitudo: When deleting an instrument, the user can decide to delete everything, or to delete only the sample set files and to keep saved settings, combinations and patches. When deleting everything, it can be decided to delete the saved settings and combinations in iCloud Drive as well, or to keep these.
Clavitudo 0.6
released 2024-01-18


  • Settings are separated into global settings and instrument settings. There is one set of global settings, which is valid for all instruments, while each instrument has its own instrument settings. Global settings are split into functional settings and hardware settings. The functional settings control the operation of the app. The hardware settings define the MIDI hardware and establish an abstraction from the hardware. For example, the hardware settings define which MIDI channels are to be used for note input, and each of these channels can be given a name like, e.g., "Pedal". Then, in the instrument settings, the manuals and pedal of the instrument can be mapped to these keyboard names. This makes it easy to use the app with different and changing hardware setups: Save suitable hardware settings and load the corresponding settings when the device is used in another hardware environment.

    Each type of settings has its own editor and can be saved independently from the other settings types. The file name patterns are FunctionalSettings.x.napo, HardwareSettings.x.napo and InstrumentSettings.x.napo, where x is the name given by the user. Global settings are stored in the subdirectory Settings/ of the app's documents directory. Instrument settings are stored in the subdirectory Settings/ of the respective instrument's directory.
  • The current settings are not anymore stored in the system's NSUserDefaults but in files FunctionalSettings..napo, HardwareSettings..napo and InstrumentSettings..napo in the corresponding directories. These are settings with empty names, so to speak.
  • The usage of the App Group mechanism was dropped. Previously, impulse response files and custom temperaments were stored in subdirectories of the App Group directory and thus could be shared by several apps on the same device. But App Group files cannot be shared with other devices, and these files are hidden from the user, which makes manual copying impossible. Now everything is stored in publicly accessible subdirectories of the app's documents directory and can – via iCloud – be shared with instances of the app on other devices (but not anymore with other apps on the same device). Temperaments are stored in the subdirectory Temperaments, and impulse responses are stored in the subdirectory ImpulseResponses of the app's documents directory.
  • Fundamental overhaul of the GUI and of many internals.

New features:

  • AudioUnit reverbs: Previously, only a single user-defined reverb could be saved. Now an arbitrary number of user-defined reverbs is possible. These are stored in the subdirectory AudioUnitReverbs of the app's documents directory.
  • The combination buttons are now in a scrollable view.
  • When reverb is on, the app applies an additional volume factor of 2. Previously, it was always annoying that with reverb the volume was lower than without reverb. The factor is chosen such that the volume stays about the same when the included AU reverb settings (75% wet) are used.
  • Clavitudo: Multi-instrument support.

Temporarily dropped features (will return in a later version):

  • Audiobus support.
  • MIDI control functionality, including Lauchpad support. MIDI is currently used only for note messages.
  • Monophonic bass.
  • Keyboard split, octave shift etc.

Known issues:

  • iPadOS: Settings view menu buttons work only when the view is scrolled to the top. Fixed in version 6.1.
  • The combination editing functions are insufficient. There is no function to move a combination to another position in its bank. Fixed in version 6.1.
Clavitudo 0.7
released 2024-07-08

New features:

  • Basic Audiobus support.
  • Improved combination editing functionality.

Resolved issues:

  • iPadOS: Fixed the settings view menu buttons.
Clavitudo 0.8
in development