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The Settings View

In this view you can set some parameters that control the operation of the app:

Keep the value Sys for the preferred hardware sample rate and for the preferred IO buffer duration if you do not want to change the system's current settings. It is also better to keep the Sys values if you would like to use the app with Audiobus or Inter-App audio. For example, if you start Thafknar before Audiobus, set the preferred hardware sample rate to a value different from 44.1 kHz, start a file playback or activate playthrough in Thafknar and then start Audiobus, then Audiobus will fail to connect to Thafknar.

For the preferred IO buffer duration use a value that corresponds to 1024 or even 2048 or 4096 frames when latency is not an issue. Use smaller values when you need fast response. This reduces the latency but means higher computational demand. The sound may drop out if your device is not fast enough.

At the bottom of the view you see the current hardware sample rate (in Hertz) and buffer size (in frames and in milliseconds). This sample rate and buffer size, usually 44100 Hz and 1024 frames, is used by iOS when it asks the app for audio data, hence for playing audio files and for the playthrough mode. Some apps, like Audiobus or GarageBand, change this to 512 or even 256 frames. Again, low buffer sizes can lead to stuttering sound, even if you don't actually use Thafknar with Audiobus or with GarageBand or other IAA-capable apps.

At the top of the view there is an action button. The action menu offers the options to display a short info about the app, to view the available in-app purchases, and to open the app support page in Safari. Furthermore there is an option to display the app's log, which collects up to 10 of the latest messages of the MIDI system as well as messages related to in-app purchases. You can close the log display by tapping it. In normal operation, the log display is opened automatically whenever a new entry is added (e.g. when you connect a MIDI device) and closed automatically shortly after.

Furthermore, there is a menu entry Edit Access Rights. This takes you to the iOS settings page where you can edit the permission of the app to access the camera (for taking images for preset buttons), the microphone (for recording and playthrough), the media library (for importing audio files) and the photo library (for importing photos as images for preset buttons).